When you volunteer with Girl Scouts, you’ll uncover new strengths and build on them. And we’re here to help you shine.
Check out these online resources and training courses that you can access whenever, wherever to make the most of your volunteer experience.
My GS is your Girl Scout home base and how you access other great tools to manage the Girl Scout experience for your family and troop! By logging into My GS in the upper right-hand corner you can:
The Volunteer Toolkit is your official source for delivering easy, fun troop meetings year-round! This fully customizable digital planning tool is accessible on any computer, tablet, or mobile device and provides you with Girl Scout program content, award requirements, and other resources.
Through the Volunteer Toolkit, troop leaders can:
The Volunteer Toolkit isn’t just for troop leaders!
Caregivers and administrative volunteers can have access too.
Ready to learn more?
Check out the Volunteer Toolkit trainings in gsLearn before you start. Click on My GS in the upper right-hand corner to login and access gsLearn and the Volunteer Toolkit.
Check out our easy-access trainings available on YouTube!
gsLearn is Girl Scouts’ official online and on demand training platform. Confident leaders are prepared leaders, and these online learnings will give you all the info you need to be a great troop leader.
gsLearn isn’t just for volunteers! All members have access to this great tool. Click on myGS in the upper right-hand corner to login and check it out.