Gold Award Ceremony

Phoebe addressed the issue of social isolation among elementary school children by building a Friendship Bench at Learning Gate Community School. Inspired by her own experiences of feeling left out during playtime, Phoebe collaborated with school staff members to establish a designated space where children could go to seek companionship or a playmate. Through presentations and skits, she effectively communicated the purpose and function of the Friendship Bench to all second-grade students at the elementary school, emphasizing its role as a safe space for students to build their social skills and make new friends.

To promote her project, Phoebe created a website and Instagram account. She also created a video demonstrating the practical use of the Friendship Bench, which was posted on YouTube. Phoebe’s project will be sustained by the kindergarten team lead, who will integrate the initiative into the school's annual curriculum. Through these efforts, Phoebe’s project will continue to positively impact elementary school children, helping them build social connections and navigate playground dynamics with confidence.

Phoebe graduated from Land O’ Lakes High School in 2024

Macey’s project aimed to raise awareness of the negative effects of climate change. She conducted workshops for younger Girl Scouts and Future Farmers of America (FFA) students at Randall Middle School. Workshops included fun activities such as environmental scavenger hunts and games, as well as the construction of mini greenhouses to educate participants on the importance of reducing greenhouse gases. These workshops aimed to empower individuals to take small steps in their communities to become better stewards of the environment. 

With the funds Macey raised through hosting the workshops, she purchased a large greenhouse for the FFA and agricultural program at Randall Middle School, giving back to the program that inspired her own passion for plants and agriculture. To promote her project, Macey created posts for the Randall FFA Facebook page and was featured in the Osprey Observer newspaper. Macey’s project will be sustained by the agricultural students at Randall Middle School.

Macey will graduate from Newsome High School in 2025

Emma focused on the issue of inadequate physical activity among children, which contributes to rising rates of child obesity, by constructing a ‘human foosball’ game at Camp Dorothy Thomas. Inspired by her passion for sports and exercise, Emma collaborated with camp staff to design a fun and engaging activity that would encourage kids to meet the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise, all while having fun and making friends. 

To promote her project, Emma created two YouTube videos—a time-lapse of her team building the Human Foosball game, and a video demonstrating how to use the equipment and play the game. She also created a brochure and installed a sign about the game, which highlighted the benefits of exercise and provided activity recommendations. More than 2,500 camp attendees will benefit from this game each year.  

Emma graduated from Newsome High School in 2024

Prisha tackled the issue of mental health struggles among children by establishing a Peace Corner at Brandon Montessori School. Prisha filled the Peace Corner with posters, books and toys geared towards mental health and social and emotional learning. With the help of teachers, Prisha presented to more than 50 students to communicate the purpose of the Peace Corner and to equip young children with coping strategies to manage their mental health. 

To promote her project, Prisha used multiple communication channels, including the Brandon Montessori School newsletter, social media, and presentations to students and school faculty. The Peace Corner has become a permanent spot in the school for children to use for years to come, ensuring the longevity of Prisha’s mental health awareness initiative. 

Prisha will graduate from Newsome High School in 2025.

Jessica was disheartened to witness vandalism and neglect around historical sites, so she advocated for the preservation of natural history. Her efforts were two-fold. First, Jessica informed her community about ways to help preserve natural history by conducting presentations at local libraries and daycare centers, as well as at Cracker Country during Girl Scout Fest, reaching more than 500 people. 

Secondly, Jessica collaborated with others to rebuild a deteriorating garden fence at Cracker Country, further showcasing her dedication to preserving natural history.  

Jessica graduated from Tampa Bay Technical High School in 2023

Molly addressed the issues of a lack of both exercise and transportation options in her community by providing used bicycles to those in need, particularly veterans and underprivileged children. Recognizing the importance of exercise and the prevalence of unused bikes, she formed a partnership with Bikes for Christ to repurpose 20 used bikes back into the community. By collecting donated bikes, repairing them to ride-ready condition, and delivering them to those in need, she made a positive impact in her community.

Molly promoted her project by creating a bike riding safety video and a flyer, which included bike safety tips and the QR code to her video. Her video was shared on social media and the flyers were distributed to the public and posted at bicycle stores. Bikes for Christ also assisted in promoting her efforts by sharing the safety video. Molly’s younger sister will continue Molly’s efforts by collecting and restoring used bikes and donating them to Bikes for Christ annually. 

Molly graduated from Newsome High School in 2024

Millay’s project aimed to promote positivity within her school, Robinson High School. Millay noticed that students from surrounding communities looked down on her school. This confused Millay, as she viewed her school as a beacon of diversity and inclusion. That’s why, with the help of her friends and principal, Millay brightened up the halls of her school by designing and painting, “Unity and Diversity,” a colorful indoor mural to showcase the greatness of Robinson High School. 

To promote her project, Millay created an Instagram account that she used to document her mural's progress. Robinson High School newspaper staff helped promote Millay’s project by publishing an interview with her. Millay was also interviewed by ABC News about the mural. The mural club that Millay created made plans to paint additional murals at Robinson High School. 

Millay graduated from Robinson High School in 2024.

Nevaeh addressed the decline of the Monarch butterfly population by building two Monarch butterfly habitats in collaboration with the Apollo Beach Garden. These habitats, one of which was an ADA-compliant raised bed, provided safe spaces for Monarchs to thrive amidst habitat loss. Nevaeh extended her impact by planting community gardens in neighborhoods such as Covington Gardens, Island Walk and Waterset.

Nevaeh promoted her project and the importance of Monarch butterflies by hosting presentations at multiple after-school youth group meetings, camps and events. She created social media posts and distributed an informational flyer to local libraries and the Chamber of Commerce. The gardens Nevaeh created will be enjoyed by butterflies and her community for years to come. 

Nevaeh will graduate from Winthrop College Preparatory Academy in 2025.

Lucia’s project raised awareness of melanoma among her community, specifically the youth. In collaboration with local organizations and camps, Lucia strived to educate young people about the seriousness of melanoma and the importance of sun protection. Through engaging presentations and interactive activities, she reached more than 100 children in her community. Lucia surveyed her audience to gauge the effectiveness of her educational tools and ensure her message resonated with them.

To promote her project and the importance of sun protection, Lucia created posters, booklets and flyers, which were distributed to local church camps, YMCA locations and Girl Scout units. Lucia also shared her project’s initiatives, information regarding her fundraising events and presentations, and melanoma facts on social media, furthering her awareness initiative.  

Lucia graduated from Winthrop College Preparatory Academy in 2024.

Inspired by her love of writing and mailing letters, Bianca’s project addressed the dwindling practice of mailing written letters, particularly among today’s youth. Bianca noticed that many young people in her community did not know how to address an envelope or send physical mail. To combat this, Bianca collaborated with the Hillsborough Transportation Department, after-school groups and local Girl Scout troops to host presentations that taught young people how to properly address and send mail. 

To promote her project, Bianca hosted “Positive Postcard” workshops. During these workshops, the youth in her community wrote positive affirmations that were then distributed to more than 100 members in her community. Bianca also created a YouTube video that outlined the proper way to address an envelope, which was shared throughout her community.

Bianca graduated from Newsome High School in 2024.

Brynlee’s project addressed the issue of a lack of dental hygiene supplies among unhoused individuals and families in need. In collaboration with Metropolitan Ministries and local Girl Scout troops, Brynlee tackled this issue by organizing community service opportunities to donate dental care supplies. With the supplies she collected, Brynlee donated more than 225 dental care kits to those in need.

Brynlee also hosted informational sessions at which she educated younger Girl Scouts about the importance of keeping a healthy smile. Girl Scouts who attended received a ‘healthy living’ patch for their vests to display that they received dental hygiene training. Brynlee believes everyone deserves a healthy smile, which is why she plans to continue donating dental care supplies to those in need.

Brynlee will graduate from Bloomingdale High School in 2025.

In response to Florida’s record-breaking heat and anticipated water shortages, Isabel’s project helped make Girl Scout Camp Dorothy Thomas more water efficient and educated her community on the importance of water conservation. To tackle her water conservation efforts at Camp Dorothy Thomas, Isabel worked with the camp ranger to enhance water efficiency by installing low-flow shower heads, shower timers and rain barrels. Isabel also created and distributed an informational flyer and hosted educational workshops for Girl Scouts. She reached more than 220 individuals. 

To promote her project, Isabel created a website, YouTube channel and Facebook page. She used those platforms to educate the public on ways to conserve water and the importance of water efficiency. Her workshops were recorded and uploaded to her online platforms, furthering her mission to educate the public.

Isabel will graduate from Newsome High School in 2027.

Juliette’s project increased the survival rate of newborn puppies and kittens in animal shelters. When a newborn animal is brought to a shelter, often the mother is not present. This causes life threatening challenges as newborn rescues depend on their mother’s body heat and care for survival. To combat this issue, Juliette worked with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to create a neonatal intensive care unit and raised money to donate an incubator, oxygen unit, nebulizer, blankets and more. 

Juliette promoted her project on various social media platforms, distributed flyers throughout her community, and hosted a booth at GSWCF’s STEMapalooza event. Juliette’s project was also highlighted on the Humane Society of Tampa Bay’s social media channels as well as on FOX 13. The Humane Society has reported more than 200 rescue animals have been saved with Juliette’s NICU, and more will be saved in the future. 

Juliette will graduate from Henry B. Plant High School in 2026.

Isabella addressed the issue of limited access to menstrual products among young girls, particularly those from lower-income households, by donating period kits to Tomlin Middle School. Isabella worked with the school’s nurses to distribute more than 100 period kits to students. These period kits contained various menstrual products such as pads, liners, cleansing wipes and sanitizer, as well as a motivational card. Isabella ensured that students had easy access to essential feminine items at school so that they could manage their periods comfortably and confidently. 

Isabella used various communication channels to promote her project, including social media and traditional posters and pamphlets. To end the stigma surrounding menstruation, Isabella created informational posters discussing common menstrual issues, hormonal changes and menstrual cycle symptoms, which were posted throughout Tomlin Middle School. She also created a YouTube video detailing her project’s goals, which was shared on social media. 

Isabella graduated from Newsome High School in 2024.

Grace’s project increased literacy among children in low-income neighborhoods. She recognized that many children faced difficulties reading due to not having access to books because of financial hardships. To combat this issue, Grace established a “Little Free Library” at a local elementary school. She worked with the school’s administration to place the free library in an area that was easily accessible and visible to students. Grace’s library allowed more than 600 students and community members to freely exchange books. 

To promote her project, Grace distributed flyers within the school and surrounding areas, that included information about her “Little Free Library” and the importance of literacy. The school in which the library is located agreed to take on responsibility of the library, ensuring that it continues to serve as a valuable resource for students.

Grace graduated from Wharton High School in 2023.

Gabriela’s project addressed the issue of declining native frog populations in Florida due to human-caused habitat loss and competition from invasive frog species. To tackle this problem, Gabriela created frog habitats at Girl Scout Camp Dorothy Thomas. Next to these frog habitats, Gabriela added a sign with a QR code that led individuals to her website. Her website informed viewers about the importance of native frogs in Florida, the problems native frogs face and how people can build their own frog habitats. 

To promote her project, Gabriela created a poster for the camp lodge so that visitors could learn interesting facts about Florida native frogs and where to find the frog habitats she built. Gabriela also made 50 bookmarks with the QR code to her website, which she distributed at Riverview Library and Panther Trace Clubhouse. 

Gabriela graduated from Newsome High School in 2024.

To address the financial struggles faced by families caring for children with cancer, Josie collaborated with the Lawrence A. Martucci Benefit Corp. (L.A.M.B.) to raise funds to purchase essential household items for these families. Additionally, she organized multiple toy collections, conducted educational workshops on cancer prevention and research, and created informational pamphlets to raise awareness about L.A.M.B. and pediatric cancer research.

To promote her project, Josie created and distributed pamphlets including information about L.A.M.B., pediatric cancer and her fundraising efforts. She also created a website and actively engaged with the community by speaking at Girl Scout leader meetings and conducting educational workshops. Josie also collaborated with Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, where she met with social workers to distribute her informational pamphlets to families in need. 

Josie will graduate from Newsome High School in 2025.

Chloe’s project increased participation rates in orchestra programs and educated students about the physical and mental benefits of playing an instrument. Chloe conducted presentations at local middle and elementary schools, during which she addressed the physical, mental and social benefits of joining an orchestra program. To further engage the students, Chloe performed a duet with one of her classmates. In total, Chloe reached 73 students. 

To promote her project, Chloe created a video presentation that was posted on YouTube and shared across various social media channels. In the video, Chloe discussed the benefits of orchestra participation and emphasized the friendships and connections formed within the ensemble. The video she created helped spread her project’s message to a larger audience, furthering her awareness initiative. 

Chloe will graduate from Bloomingdale High School in 2025.

Laila helped to ensure pets’ safety during natural disasters. To combat the problem of pets being left behind or lost during storm evacuations due to last-minute preparation, Laila collaborated with the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to create pet disaster relief kits. The kits included items such as bowls, food, toys, collars, leashes, cat litter, and disposable litter boxes. She also created a brochure that highlighted the importance of being prepared for natural disasters, including how to prepare and find a safe location for pets during a natural disaster. In total, Laila donated 72 pet disaster relief kits in her community.

To promote her project, Laila created a YouTube video detailing how to assemble a pet disaster relief kit at home, ensuring accessibility to information beyond her local community. Her video was shared across various social media platforms.

Laila graduated from Newsome High School in 2024.

Kameryn’s project aimed to combat sudden heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, which is the third most common cause of death in student athletes. After witnessing the severity of heat-related illnesses firsthand, Kamerny recognized the need for prevention resources. To tackle this issue, she developed Keep Cool Kits. The kits contained items such as instant ice packs, hydration drink mixes, water and sunscreen, which aimed to provide people with the tools to manage heat-related emergencies effectively. 

To promote her project, Kameryn created a website which housed all project materials, including a video presentation, a Keep Cool Kit item checklist, a downloadable PDF brochure, as well as information about heat-related illnesses and ways to prevent them. 

Kameryn graduated from West Port High School in 2024.

Emilie’s project advocated for autistic children and young adults. Emilie partnered with the Marion Therapeutic Riding Association (MTRA) to create a sensory trail for its students. Engaging children with autism in sensory activities had several benefits including, helping to stimulate the brain; creating neutral pathways and improving sensory processing systems; improving social skills; and improving coordination and fine motor skills. Emilie’s sensory trail allowed students to immerse themselves in a sensory experience with different ways to use their five senses. 

To promote her project, Emilie created an Instagram and Facebook page to spread her project’s message, share information about the trail, post updates on the building process, and educate people on the importance of sensory immersion among autistic individuals. The trail Emilie created has become a permanent trail at the MTRA facility and will benefit students for years to come.

Emilie graduated from West Port High School in 2024.

Alyssa’s project spread awareness of hidden disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder and sensory processing disorder. Inspired by her own experience of having autism spectrum disorder, OCD, ADHD, and being misunderstood and labelled for behaviors she could not control, Alyssa’s project focused on sharing what hidden disabilities feel like, rather than how the behaviors appear. Alyssa hosted both in-person and virtual presentations for staff at Joyful Motion Pediatric Therapy Clinic and members of an employees with disabilities resource group, to promote awareness, understanding and empathy towards individuals with hidden disabilities. 

To promote her project, Alyssa created a website where she uploaded recordings of her presentations and provided a space for visitors to anonymously submit feedback, personal stories and questions. Alyssa also created social media posts that led viewers to her website.

Alyssa graduated from Solid Rock Community School in 2023.

Anneliese’s project equipped girls with the confidence and knowledge to become better equestrians. Anneliese knew that confidence on the ground translated into confidence in the saddle, so she focused on boosting girls’ comfort levels around horses through educational videos and practical skill-building activities. Anneliese created two videos: one on general horse safety and another to familiarize girls with Camp Wildwood’s equestrian program. Anneliese also created two interactive games to enhance girls’ skills in the barn. 

To promote her project, Anneliese placed QR codes, which led to her educational videos, around her family’s barn and at Camp Wildwood. Anneliese also hosted an informational booth at Girl Scout Fest, at which she taught girls how to identify different breeds of horses, horse safety tips and basic horse facts. The videos Anneliese created will be used at Camp Wildwood to educate girls for years to come. 

Anneliese graduated from Sunlake High School in 2023.

Emily’s project aimed to amplify the voices of girls around the world who do not have the resources or ability to express and share their experiences. Emily created a platform for anyone who identifies as female or non-binary from the ages of 10-to 21 to share their creativity through works of art and writing. Emily created a beautiful website with over 2,000 visitors since she began, an Instagram account with over 300 followers, and a team of ten girls who help share and design the zine. The 50-page-long first issue was entitled “Goddess.” Emily will continue working to sustain the creative platform for years to come. Emily graduated from St. Petersburg Collegiate High School in 2024.

** Emily earned her Gold Award Project in 2022. She is the 2024 GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship recipient. Emily also earned the GSWCF scholarship as well as the Ann Hensler Scholarship. 

Hammock Park in Dunedin, Florida was Olivia’s happy place, but she noticed that park goers were not disposing of trash correctly. Concerned about the negative impact that improperly discarded trash had on the wildlife at Hammock Park, Olivia collaborated with the Friends of the Hammocks (FOTH) to implement a sustainable solution. With the help of a friend, Olivia built and installed two posts equipped with frames to hold waste baskets, which encouraged park visitors to dispose of trash correctly and collect litter as they strolled through the park. 

To promote her project, Olivia gave a presentation to the FOTH Board, securing its support and collaboration. Olivia also created a social media campaign to help spread awareness of her project and the negative impacts of littering. She used the hashtag #pickmeupbuttercup to challenge viewers to go outside and document their own participation in a park cleanup. 

Olivia graduated from Dunedin High School in 2023.

Elle’s project advocated for children impacted by domestic violence. Recognizing the trauma and disruption domestic violence causes children, Elle wanted to offer those children comfort and support. Elle collaborated with CASA’s Family Justice Center to distribute hand-sewed dolls to children who visited the center. Elle hosted a workshop in which she taught attendees how to make the dolls and the long-term effects of witnessing domestic violence as a child. 

To promote her project, Elle created a domestic violence educational video that she shared with her community. Elle also created flyers, raising awareness of domestic violence and its impact on children, which she distributed to classmates at her school. 

Elle graduated from St. Petersburg High School in 2024

Emersen’s project educated her community about the negative impacts of micro-plastics in Tampa Bay. Emersen collaborated with her school’s service club and environmental club, and local Girl Scout troops, to host two beach cleanups. Emersen also hosted a workshop with a Girl Scout troop at which she taught the girls how to make reusable bags from old T-shirts and educated them on the importance of using reusable plastics rather than single-use plastics such as straws, utensils and water bottles. The Girl Scouts who attended her workshop earned their Climate Change Badge. 

Emersen spread her message by speaking with clubs at her school and local Girl Scout troops, and by hosting an educational and action-oriented workshop. The environmental club at Emersen’s school agreed to sustain her project by educating students on single-use plastics and advocating for reusable options. 

Emersen graduated from St. Petersburg High School in 2024.

Haley’s project helped kids get active outdoors. As technology advances, children are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature due to excessive screen time. Recognizing the importance of outdoor activities for childhood development, Haley created ‘Badge in a Box,’ a program that contained instructions for engaging children, aged 5 to 18, in outdoor activities. Additionally, she established online resources including a website and a Facebook group, on which the activity instructions were shared. 

Haley promoted her project within the Girl Scout community and to nature enthusiasts around the world. Her project gained significant international attention, with more than 1,800 members from various countries joining the Facebook group. 

Haley graduated from Northeast High School in 2024.

Maegan’s project addressed period poverty and the stigma surrounding menstruation. Many girls, particularly from lower income households, do not have access to feminine hygiene products. These girls are also less likely to be educated on menstruation and feminine hygiene. To combat this, Maegan worked with a local organization to donate 200 period pouches to girls in need. The pouches contained period products and positive affirmations. Maegan also hosted two movie nights, showing a film that told a story about girlhood and growing up, and created educational social media posts to reduce the stigma surrounding periods. 

Maegan promoted her message through the social media posts on Instagram, and by word-of-mouth. She spoke with friends, Girl Scouts and often strangers she met at events in her community. 

Maegan graduated from Harrison School of the Arts in 2024.